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scribe_servio_replacing_drive [2024/02/15 23:10]
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 <btn type="​success"​ size="​xs"​ icon="​fa fa-chevron-left">​[[:​SERVIO|Go back to all SERVIO topics]]</​btn>​ <btn type="​success"​ size="​xs"​ icon="​fa fa-chevron-left">​[[:​SERVIO|Go back to all SERVIO topics]]</​btn>​
 +===== Drive replacement guide =====
 +===== Technical notes =====
 <WRAP center alert 80%>​WARNING:​ Triggering the initialization process will result in the loss of all data and recordings on that drive.</​WRAP>​ <WRAP center alert 80%>​WARNING:​ Triggering the initialization process will result in the loss of all data and recordings on that drive.</​WRAP>​
  • Last modified: 2024/02/15 23:10