====== Linux ======
Information and resources for users of Linux-based operating systems.
===== Watching live TV from an HDHomeRun =====
While there is not a "normal" HDHomeRun view app for linux-based operating systems, Linux users can use third party media software such as VLC to view live TV from HDHomeRun devices.
See: **[[Third party applications]]**
===== DVR storage software =====
For installing the DVR storage software on a linux-based operating system, **see: [[DVR:Linux|Linux DVR]]**.
===== Configuration utility =====
See also: **[[hdhomerun_config]]**
* [[http://download.silicondust.com/hdhomerun/libhdhomerun.tgz|libhdhomerun]] (source)
* [[http://download.silicondust.com/hdhomerun/hdhomerun_config_gui.tgz|HDHomeRun Config GTK]] (source)
===== HDHomeRun Config GTK instructions =====
- Extract both libhdhomerun and hdhomerun_config_gui to the same directory, e.g.:
- From the hdhomerun_config_gui directory, run:
sudo make install
===== Troubleshooting =====
During the ./configure step, if you receive an error about gtk+-2.0 not being installed, you will need to install it using your distribution’s package management system. On most Debian-based distributions, including Ubuntu, use the following command:
sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev
If you receive an error stating hdhomerun_config_gui: error while loading shared libraries: libhdhomerun.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory when attempting to run hdhomerun_config_gui, run the following:
sudo ldconfig
===== HDHomeRun Firmware =====
For manual firmware download links, for use with the command line tool, **see: [[:Downloads#Firmware]]**.