====== Roku ====== [[:Watching TV|See also: Other watching options]] If you have a Roku device that is running Roku firmware version 9.0 or later, you can use the HDHomeRun Roku app to access your HDHomeRun tuner and playback DVR content. Your Roku needs to have a reliable internet connection, either via wired ethernet or a strong wireless connection (preferably using 802.11ac on a 5GHz bandwidth). The app does not work outside of your home network, and the Roku needs to be connected to the same local network as HDHomeRun tuner. ====ATSC 3.0==== To receive most ATSC 3.0 broadcasts you will need a Roku device that supports the AC-4 audio codec and the HEVC video codec. DRM-restricted channel support is being worked on and is not yet supported. ===== How to install the HDHomeRun Roku Channel ===== To install simply search for the HDHomeRun Channel on your Roku and install it there, or use the Roku website while logged in ([[https://channelstore.roku.com/details/297903/hdhomerun|app link]]). ===== Can't hear audio? ===== To hear audio, you need a TV, AV receiver, or soundbar that can decode Dolby Digital or AC3 audio over HDMI. Most modern TVs can do this, though we’ve noticed a few Samsung TVs cannot. All Roku televisions should be able to play audio without any trouble. **Roku audio settings:** - Go to the **Roku home screen** - Then navigate to **"Settings"** -> **"Audio"** - Select **"Streaming audio format"** and change it to **"Dolby"** - Go back to **Audio** and select **"Digital output format"** - and change **"Digital output format"** mode to **"Custom" → "Dolby" → "Dolby Digital"** If you are still having issues: While watching live TV in the HDHomeRun app, press the ** * ** button and see if your **"Volume mode"** is set to **"off"** (this might not always be required, depending on the Roku model)