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App settings menu

If you are unable to access the normal settings menu (the gear icon in the top right corner of the Recorded/Discover/Tasks screen), then you can also access it by hovering the mouse over the area on the top left corner of the app, and then clicking on the “hamburger” menu (the three lines in a box). This settings window will work even if the HDHomeRun app GUI is having problems loading.

Windows FAQ

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No tuners found

Check to make sure that the HDHomeRun has a good network connection, as indicated by the network LED on the device being solid green. For first/second generation HDHomeRun devices (HDHR-US, HDHR-T1-US, HDHR-EU), the network LED is the leftmost of the ones in the window. For HDHR3-US, HDHR3-CC, and HDHR4-2US, the network LED is the furthest left LED. For HDTC-2US, the network LED is the furthest left LED. For HDTC-2US, the network LED is at the bottom of the network port.

If the LED is blinking red (HDTC-2US) or solid red (other devices), this indicates that the device does not have a network connection. Try a different network cable and port on your switch/router.

If the LED is blinking green, this indicates that the device has a network connection, but has not received an IP address via DHCP. If connected to your main network, check to make sure that your router is powered on and has its DHCP server enabled. If the router has any access control/allowed devices/MAC filtering function, either the HDHomeRun needs to be on the allowed list, or this function should be disabled. If the HDHomeRun is directly connected to the network interface on your computer, the interface should be set to a static IP in the 169.254.x.y range (for example, with a subnet mask of

If the network LED is solid green, then the HDHomeRun has an address. If your PC is using a wireless connection, make sure that you are on the primary network and not a guest network (guest networks typically block access to local devices on the network). If you are on the main wireless network, please instead try a wired connection. If the wired connection works but wireless does not, then the most likely cause is your router blocking certain kinds of network traffic. Check the router’s configuration for anything with the word broadcast in it, or anything like wireless partition/isolation/segmentation, and try toggling those options. If you are on a wired connection and it is still not discovered, if you have the PC configured to use a static IP address, check to make sure that the subnet mask entered exactly matches what the router is assigning via DHCP. Any mismatch, no matter how small, can prevent discovery of the device from working. If your PC has any VPN software installed, make sure you are not connected to the VPN, and make sure any firewall the VPN may contain is disabled.

HDHomeRun app - no video on Windows 8

Windows 8 does not include an MPEG2 video decoder, which is needed in order to see TV. You either need to add Windows Media Center, which includes Microsoft’s decoder, or else install a separate decoder. The app will use any MPEG2 decoders installed on the system, including those provided by VLC.

HDHomeRun app (Win7/8.1) - does not find DVR

The HDHomeRun app for Windows 7/8.1 does not support the DVR.

HDHomeRun app (Win10) - does not find DVR

Please right click on the Start menu icon and select Windows PowerShell (Admin) or Command Prompt (Admin). Run the following command:

CheckNetIsolation LoopbackExempt -a -n=”ef712ba7.hdhomerundvr_23nna27hyxhag”

You should get a response of “OK.” Open the app and check to see if you can then access the DVR.

HDHomeRun Setup - Discovery Error 4001

This indicates that there is a hardware issue with your device. Please open a trouble ticket so that it can be replaced.

HDHomeRun installation program - Service HDHomeRun Service failed to start

During installation of the HDHomeRun software, you may receive an error stating “Service ‘HDHomeRun Service’ (HDHomeRun Service) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services.”

This error is due to the SSDP Discovery service being disabled. To re-enable the service:

  1. Click the Start menu, right click on Computer and choose Manage
  2. Expand Services and Applications and click on Services
  3. Locate SSDP Discovery in the list, right click on it, and select Properties
  4. Set the Startup type to Manual and then click OK
  5. Once the service is enabled, run the installation program again.

An internal error occured in the Microsoft Internet extensions

This is usually due to a browser addon loaded in IE or Edge that is interfering with the web components. Check the addon section in both browsers and remove anything that isn't from Microsoft and try again. Note that this is still the case even if you use another browser like Chrome or Firefox for your day to day browsing.

If that doesn't help, create a new user profile and try using the HDHomeRun app in that.

Windows 10 - Class not registered

If you are running Windows 10 N or Windows 10 KN (including upgrading from Windows 7 N) the media features are missing from the operating system.

This results in the error “Class not registered (Excep_FromHResult 0x80040154)” when attempting to run HDHomeRun VIEW.

To solve, install the Media Feature Pack for N and KN versions of Windows 10: