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dvr:nas:netgear [2019/06/12 19:20]
neds [Install to NAS using a Windows PC]
dvr:nas:netgear [2022/11/09 04:15] (current)
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-====== Setting up DVR storage on Netgear ReadyNAS ====== +====== Setting up DVR storage on Netgear ReadyNAS ====== 
 +<btn type="​success"​ size="​xs"​ icon="​fa fa-chevron-left">​[[:​DVR|Go back to all DVR topics]]</​btn>​ \\ 
 +<​lead>​Netgear ReadyNAS models can be used for the HDHomeRun DVR storage software. It will require manual installation (described below), as it does not work with our normal Windows NAS installer.</​lead>​
 ===== Requirements ===== ===== Requirements =====
 +<WRAP indent>
-  ​[[DVR:​subscription|HDHomeRun DVR subscription ($35 per year with 2 free month trial)]] +**Before you continuemake sure you have the following:**
-  ​Compatible HDHomeRun device: SCRIBE [[:SCRIBE Duo|Duo]]/​[[:​SCRIBE Quatro|Quatro]][[:SERVIO]], CONNECT [[:CONNECT Duo|Duo]]/​[[:​CONNECT Quatro|Quatro]],​ [[:​EXTEND]],​ [[:​CONNECT]](4th gen), [[:PRIME]], [[:PRIME 6]]+
 +  * [[DVR:​subscription|HDHomeRun DVR subscription]]
 +  * One or more compatible HDHomeRun device: see **[[:dvr tuners|List of DVR compatible HDHomeRun devices]]**
 ===== Manual installation ===== ===== Manual installation =====
 +<WRAP indent>
 +  - Use the ReadyNAS UI to create an SMB/SAMBA file share called "​HDHomeRun",​ accessible to "​everyone"​. Disable snapshots for that volume.
 +  - Enable SSH (Settings -> Services -> SSH) and logging in as root.
 +  - <​wrapper>​Log into your ReadyNAS via SSH and issue the following commands. This will create an apps directory for the hdhomerun_record software and download it to that location.
 +<​code>​mkdir -p /​apps/​hdhomerun_record/​bin
 +cd /​apps/​hdhomerun_record/​bin
 +wget https://​download.silicondust.com/​hdhomerun/​hdhomerun_record_linux
 +chmod +x hdhomerun_record_linux
 +./​hdhomerun_record_linux start
 +mv /​tmp/​hdhomerun_record_* hdhomerun_record
 +chmod 755 hdhomerun_record
 +chown root:root hdhomerun_record
 +rm hdhomerun_record_linux</​code></​wrapper>​
 +  - <​wrapper>​Create the HDHomeRun DVR configuration file.  Update the RecordPath to the record path you configured in your NAS.
 +<​code>​cd /​apps/​hdhomerun_record
 +cat <<EOF >​hdhomerun.conf
 +  - <​wrapper>​Start the HDHomeRun DVR software to see if it's working
 +<​code>/​apps/​hdhomerun_record/​bin/​hdhomerun_record start --conf /​apps/​hdhomerun_record/​hdhomerun.conf</​code>​
 +If it's working properly you should find a log file in /​data/​HDHomeRun,​ and a process in the process list. </​wrapper>​
 +  - <​wrapper>​Stop the process before setting up the start script.
 +<​code>/​apps/​hdhomerun_record/​bin/​hdhomerun_record stop</​code></​wrapper>​
 +  - <​wrapper>​Copy and paste the following to create the service file to automatically start the DVR software:
 +cat <<EOF > /​lib/​systemd/​system/​hdhomerun.service
 +Description=HDHomeRun DVR Service
 +ExecStart=/​apps/​hdhomerun_record/​bin/​hdhomerun_record start --conf /​apps/​hdhomerun_record/​hdhomerun.conf
 +ExecStop=/​apps/​hdhomerun_record/​bin/​hdhomerun_record stop --conf /​apps/​hdhomerun_record/​hdhomerun.conf
 +  - <​wrapper>​Now enable and start the DVR software:
 +<​code>​systemctl enable hdhomerun
 +systemctl start hdhomerun</​code></​wrapper>​
 +  - Restart the NAS and verify that the DVR remains available by checking the HDHomeRun app.
 +  - If everything is working, you can go and disable SSH (Settings -> Services -> SSH).
 +===== Next step: Using DVR in the HDHomeRun app =====
 +<WRAP indent>
-These instructions are provided ​for users who cannot run the Windows install tool.+Once you finish setting up a DVR storage device, see our guide link below for instructions on using the DVR features in the HDHomeRun app.\\ 
 +<btn type="​success"​ size="​lg"​ icon="​fa fa-book">​[[:​app|Instructions on using the DVR features in the HDHomeRun app]]</​btn>​
-===== Using DVR ===== +</​WRAP>​
-Now that everything is set up, see our page **[[:using up the HDHR app]]** for instructions on the DVR features.+
-{{tag>NAS_DVR}}+{{tag>NAS DVR}}
  • Last modified: 2019/06/12 19:20