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Recording in the HDHomeRun app

Recordings can be set from:

  • LIVE tab/view's action bar or future entries in the slice guide
    1. Selecting a future entry on the slice guide will open the information screen for that program, where you will have recording options for that specific episode or movie.
    2. Selecting the recording button on the action bar will record the program currently playing live.
  • DISCOVER tab by selecting or searching for a program
    • Selecting a show form the DISCOVER tab will show you all episodes for that show. You can set up a series recording or choose specific episodes to record.

Program information screen:

After selecting a program from a future the DISCOVER tab or from a future-slice-guide entry, you will be presented with the program information screen. You can select a single “one-shot” entry to record, or set up a series recording.

  • Last modified: 2019/06/25 04:09