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connect [2019/06/20 02:28]
connect [2023/07/14 03:53] (current)
neds [CONNECT 4K]
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-====== HDHomeRun CONNECT ​(4th generation) ======+====== HDHomeRun CONNECT ===== 
 +<​lead>​The HDHomeRun CONNECT was the name given to two generations of over-the-air HDHomeRun products, the HDHR4 and HDHR5.</​lead>​ Information on this page generally applies to both generations,​ unless specifically noted.
-<WRAP group> 
-<WRAP half column> 
-^ Model numbers ​ ^ Signal type  ^ 
-| HDHR4-2US ​    | <​wrapper>​8-VSB/​ATSC \\ 
-QAM64/​256</​wrapper>​ | 
-| HDHR4-2DT ​    | DVB-T/T2 | 
-| HDHR4-2IS ​    | ISDB-T | 
-----+===== CONNECT 4K ===== 
 +<WRAP indent>​ 
 +The HDHomeRun CONNECT 4K is the first HDHomeRun ATSC 3.0 model from Silicondust,​ built on the platform of the fifth generation CONNECT. The "​4K"​ model is specific to North America'​s ATSC market, primarily aimed at the United States and their recent launch of ATSC 3.0, which supports up to 4K resolution content. It is similar in feature set to the CONNECT QUATRO, but instead of having four ATSC 1.0 tuners, it has two tuners that can do either ATSC 3.0 or 1.0, and then two tuners that are ATSC 1.0-only.  
 +For information and help with ATSC 3.0, please see our page on **[[ATSC 3.0]]** 
 +<btn type="​success"​ size="​lg"​ icon="​fa fa-chevron-right">​[[:​ATSC 3.0]]</​btn> ​
-^ Tuners | +<WRAP box> 
-^ Works with DVR | Yes | +^ ^ Model numbers  ​^ Tuners ​^ Signal type ^ 
-^ Size |  |  +CONNECT 4K | HDHR5-4K | 4 | ATSC 3.0 (two tuners), ATSC 1.0 (all tuners), & QAM64/​256 ​| 
-^ Ports | Power, Ethernet (100baseTX), ​Antenna ​+ 
-^ Power supply | <​wrapper>​5V 1A regulated power adapter (higher ​rating ok) \\ +^ Works with DVR  | Yes                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
-2.1mm ID / 5.5mm OD plug, 9-10mm depth, center positive \\ +^ Size            3.4"​x3.4"​x0.8" ​                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
-Max 5.25V @ no-load \\ +^ Ports           ​Antenna, Ethernet (100baseTX), ​Power                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
-Min 4.75V @ 1A \\ +^ Power supply ​   | <​wrapper> ​ 5Volt 1.5Amp ​regulated power adapter (higher ​Amp rating ok) \\  1.7mm ID / 4.0mm OD plug, 9.5mm depth, center positive \\  Max 5.25V @ no-load \\  Min 4.75V @ 1.5A \\  Noise <= 150mVp-p </​wrapper> ​ |
-Noise <= 100mVp-p</​wrapper>​ | +
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
-<WRAP half column> 
-{{:​connect4.jpg?​direct&​200|HDHomeRun CONNECT (4th gen) - Front}} \\ 
-{{:​connect4_2.jpg?​direct&​200|HDHomeRun CONNECT (4th gen) - Back}} 
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
-</​WRAP>​ +===== CONNECT DUO & QUATRO (5th generation) ===== 
-<​WRAP ​clear/>+<​WRAP ​indent>
 +The HDHomeRun CONNECT DUO and HDHomeRun CONNECT QUATRO are 5th generation HDHomeRun network tuners.
-===== FAQ and LED status ===== +<WRAP box> 
-<btn type="​success"​ size="​xs"​ icon="​fa fa-chevron-right">​[[:​FAQ|See alsoother FAQ listings]]<​/btn> +^ ^ Model numbers ​ ^ Tuners ^ Signal ​type 
-==== Leftmost LED on HDHomeRun is blinking green ====+| CONNECT DUO | HDHR5-2US | 2 | 8-VSB/ATSC & QAM64/256 | 
 +| ::: | HDHR5-2DT | 2 | DVB-T/T2 & DVB-C | 
 +| CONNECT QUATRO | HDHR5-4US | 4 | 8-VSB/ATSC & QAM64/256 | 
 +| ::: | HDHR5-4DT | 4 | DVB-T/T2 & DVB-C |
-This indicates that the HDHomeRun has a network connection but is not getting an IP address from your routerCheck to make sure that the DHCP function is enabled on your routerand that either the allowed devices/access control/MAC filtering function on the router is disabledor that the HDHomeRun is on the allowed list.+^ Works with DVR  | Yes                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        | 
 +^ Size            | 3.4"​x3.4"​x0.8" ​                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            | 
 +^ Ports           | AntennaEthernet (100baseTX),​ Power                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       | 
 +^ Power supply ​   | <​wrapper> ​ 5Volt 1.5Amp regulated power adapter (higher Amp rating ok) \\  1.7mm ID 4.0mm OD plug9.5mm depth, center positive \\  Max 5.25V @ no-load \\  Min 4.75V @ 1.5A \\ Noise <= 150mVp-p </​wrapper> ​ | 
 +===== CONNECT (4th generation) =====
 +<WRAP indent>
-==== Leftmost LED on HDHomeRun is solid red ====+<WRAP box> 
 +^ Model numbers ​ ^ Signal type  ^ 
 +| HDHR4-2US ​    | 8-VSB/ATSC & QAM64/256 | 
 +| HDHR4-2DT ​    | DVB-T/T2 | 
 +| HDHR4-2IS ​    | ISDB-T |
-This indicates that the HDHomeRun does not have a network connectionPlease try a different network cable and port on your switch/routerIf the issue persistsplease open a **[[:​trouble ticket]]**.+^ Tuners ​         | 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    | 
 +^ Works with DVR  | Yes                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  | 
 +^ Size            |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      | 
 +^ Ports           | Antenna, Ethernet (100baseTX),​ Power                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 | 
 +^ Power supply ​   | <​wrapper> ​ 5Volt 1Amp regulated power adapter (higher Amp rating ok) \\  2.1mm ID 5.5mm OD plug9-10mm depth, center positive \\  Max 5.25V @ no-load \\  Min 4.75V @ 1A \\  Noise <= 100mVp-p </​wrapper> ​ | 
- +</WRAP>
-==== No/few channels found in channel scan ==== +
-<wrap indent>​**See also: [[Troubleshooting]]**</wrap> +
- +
-If you are using cable, verify that unencrypted digital channels are present on the line you are using. Many larger cable providers, including Comcast, RCN, TWC, Charter, Brighthouse,​ and Cablevision,​ have begun encrypting all channels they carry. HDHomeRun CONNECT would not be usable with these providers – you would need to utilize an antenna in order to receive over the air broadcasts (if available), or instead use HDHomeRun PRIME along with a CableCARD from the provider. +
- +
-If you are using an antenna, verify that signals are present on the same cable using another device, if possible. If you have an amplifier on the line, try removing it in order to make sure that you are not overloading the tuners. +
- +
-If you are using the HDHR-EU, HDHR3-EU, or HDHR3-4DC with a DVB-C signal source, verify that you have the correct modulation settings entered on the DVB-C tab in HDHomeRun Setup. +
- +
-If you need further assistance, please open a support ticket: +
- +
-  - Go into the Advanced tab in HDHomeRun Setup, and check the Send diagnostic information to SiliconDust support box +
-  - Unplug the power cord from the HDHomeRun, count to ten, and plug it back in +
-  - On the Digital Cable or Digital Antenna tab (whichever is appropriate),​ run a channel scan +
-  - Open a **[[:​support ticket]]**. Make sure to include the 8 digit device ID for your HDHomeRun so our support personnel can review your diagnostic data. Note that you do not need to send any files, all information is sent automatically once the box is checked. +
- +
-{{tag>connect4 hardware}}+
  • Last modified: 2019/06/20 02:28