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dvr:storage [2019/06/16 00:57]
dvr:storage [2023/10/26 20:16] (current)
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 ====== Setting up a DVR storage device ====== ====== Setting up a DVR storage device ======
-<​WRAP ​center round important 60%> +<​WRAP ​indent>
-For a smooth setup, **[[:​DVR:​Activation|activate your DVR subscription]]** before setting up your DVR storage. If you have already set up your DVR storage first, don't worry, you simply need to wait for your DVR storage software to discover your subscription,​ or manually reboot it to force a recheck. +
 +<btn type="​success"​ size="​xs"​ icon="​fa fa-chevron-left">​[[:​DVR|Go back to all DVR topics]]</​btn>​\\
 +<​lead>​**Local DVR storage** is where your recordings will be saved. Your storage device can be an HDHomeRun SCRIBE or SERVIO, a PC, a Mac, a NAS, or an Android TV set top box like an NVIDIA Shield.</​lead>​
-**Local DVR storage** is where your recordings will be savedOur DVR doesn'​t use "the cloud" or remote locations for storing programs, but instead keeps local copies ​on your home network, allowing you to store them as long as you wish. Your storage device can be an HDHomeRun SCRIBE or SERVIO, a PC, a Mac, a NAS, or an Android TV set top box like an NVIDIA Shield. Because the DVR storage device handles a lot of video data, we strongly recommend using a wired ethernet connection for your recording device, just like you would with an HDHomeRun tuner. +Only one storage ​device ​is needed to serve your entire networkAll [[:​app|devices]] ​on your network ​will be able to set new recordings and access previous recordings.
- +
-**Only one storage device is needed** to serve your entire network. All apps/​clients on your network will be able to set new recordings and access previous recordings. You may add more if you need additional storage, additional multi-recording capabilities,​ or simply want more redundancy in your set up. 
-<WRAP center round info 80%> 
-**NOTE:** The **HDHomeRun [[:​SCRIBE]]** combines the "​network tuner" and "local DVR storage"​ into one device. 
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 +===== Silicondust HDHomeRun DVR storage devices =====
 +<WRAP indent>
-===== SiliconDust ​HDHomeRun ​DVR storage devices ===== +The HDHomeRun ​FLEX, SCRIBE, and SERVIO models ​are able to act as DVR storage ​devices:
-There are two basic options when it comes to using an HDHomeRun-branded ​DVR storage ​device:+
-  * **[[:SCRIBE]]** - (as a DUO/2-tuner or QUATRO/​4-tuner) includes ​both the tuning ​hardware ​of a normal HDHomeRun device along with an internal ​hard drive and the DVR storage software. ​In addition ​to recording from its own internal tuners, ​the SCRIBE can also record from other HDHomeRun ​devices ​on your network. ​This combination ​unit can be a good starting point for new usersor be used to expand an existing HDHomeRun ​device ​cluster when you want to add tuners and DVR storage at the same time+  * **[[:FLEX|HDHomeRun FLEX]]** - The HDHomeRun FLEX has a USB port that will allow a customer to add their own USB hard drive. With a hard drive, the FLEX will operate the same as a SCRIBE model, with both tuning ​and DVR handled by that unit. While the SCRIBE comes with one year of DVR service, the FLEX requires ​separate DVR service purchase. <callout type="​info">​**Setting up the USB hard drive on the FLEX:** 
-  * **[[:​SERVIO]]** ​For users who already have existing HDHomeRun tuners, or who want to add more storage space and/or redundancy to their DVR system, ​the SERVIO contains a large hard drive and runs our DVR storage software. ​+      - Plug a USB hard drive into the FLEX's USB port 
 +      - In a web browser go to http://​hdhomerun.local 
 +        - NOTE: That address will go do the first HDHomeRun ​device found on your network. ​If you have more than one HDHomeRun device, use the "​device ID" printed on the bottom of the unit instead of "​hdhomerun"​ in the address. For exampleif your device ​ID was 104FFFFF then you would go to http://​104fffff.local 
 +      Then click the "​Format"​ button. That will erase and format ​the hard drive for recordings 
 +  * **[[:​SCRIBE|HDHomeRun SCRIBE]]** - The HDHomeRun SCRIBE includes both the tuning hardware of a normal HDHomeRun device along with an internal hard drive and the DVR storage software. In addition to recording from its own internal tuners, the SCRIBE can also record from other HDHomeRun devices on your network. This combination unit can be a good starting point for new users, or be used to expand an existing HDHomeRun device cluster when you want to add tuners and DVR storage at the same time.
 +  * **[[:​SERVIO|HDHomeRun SERVIO]]** - For users who already have existing HDHomeRun tuners, or who want to add more storage space and/or redundancy to their DVR system, the SERVIO contains a large hard drive and runs our DVR storage software. ​
 ===== Do-it-yourself/​ Bring-your-own-hardware DVR storage ===== ===== Do-it-yourself/​ Bring-your-own-hardware DVR storage =====
 +<WRAP indent>
 Already have a NAS (network attached storage), an always on desktop computer, or old unused PC? You can set that up as your DVR storage! Already have a NAS (network attached storage), an always on desktop computer, or old unused PC? You can set that up as your DVR storage!
-  * [[:​DVR:​Mac|I have a Mac that is always on and wired to ethernet on my network]]+=== Personal computer === 
 +<WRAP indent>
-  * [[:​DVR:​Windows|I have a Windows PC that is always on and wired to ethernet on my network]]+  ​* **[[:​DVR:​Mac|Mac]]** 
 +  * **[[:​DVR:​Windows|Windows PC]]** 
 +  * **[[:​DVR:​Linux|Linux-based PC]]**
-  * [[:​DVR:​Android|I have an Android TV certified ​box (such as the Nvidia Shield TV) with around 500 GB of storage available]]+</​WRAP>​ 
 +=== Streaming ​box === 
 +<WRAP indent>
-  * I have a [[:​DVR:​Linux:​Start|Linux-based PC]] that is always on and wired to ethernet on my network +  * **[[:DVR:Android|Android TV]]** certified box (such as the Nvidia Shield TV) with around 500 GB of storage available
-    ​[[:​DVR:​Linux:​Debian|Debian/​Ubuntu]] +
-    ​* [[:DVR:Linux:​FreeBSD|FreeBSD]] +
-    ​[[:​DVR:​Linux:​FreeNAS|FreeNAS]] +
-    ​[[:​DVR:​Linux:​RedHat|Redhat/​Fedora/​CentOS/​openSUSE]] +
-    * [[:​DVR:​Linux|Other]]+
-  ​* [[:DVR:NAS:Synology|I have a Synolog ​NAS on my network]]+</​WRAP>​ 
 +=== NAS - Network Attached Storage === 
 +<WRAP indent>​ 
 +Using a Windows PC, most NAS devices can use our **[[:​DVR:​NAS:​install from windows pc|NAS install tool]]**, or you can use one of the following:
-  * [[:​DVR:​NAS:​QNAP|I have a QNAP NAS on my network]]+  ​* **[[:​DVR:​NAS:​Synology|Synology NAS]]** 
 +  * **[[:​DVR:​NAS:​QNAP|QNAP NAS]]** 
 +  * **[[:​DVR:​NAS:​Netgear|Netgear ReadyNAS]]** 
 +  * **[[:​DVR:​NAS:​Asustor|Asustor NAS]]** 
 +  * **Western Digital My Cloud //(non-home edition only)// NAS**: 
 +      * [[:​DVR:​NAS:​WD:​single|Single drive model]] 
 +      * [[:​DVR:​NAS:​WD:​Multiple|Multiple drive model]] 
 +  * **[[:​DVR:​NAS:​install from windows pc|another NAS not listed here]]**, but that meets the requirements for the DVR software
-  * [[:DVR:​NAS:​Netgear|I have a Netgear ReadyNAS on my network]]+</​WRAP>​ 
 +===== Next step: DVR in the HDHomeRun app ===== 
 +<WRAP indent>
-  * [[:DVR:​NAS:​Asustor|I have an Asustor NAS on my network]]+Once you finish setting up a DVR storage device, see our guide link below for instructions on using the DVR features in the HDHomeRun app.\\ 
 +<btn type="​success"​ size="​lg"​ icon="​fa fa-book">​[[:app|Instructions ​on using the DVR features in the HDHomeRun app]]</​btn>​ 
-  * I have a Western Digital My Cloud **(non-home edition only)** NAS on my network +{{tag>​dvr}}
-      * [[:​DVR:​NAS:​WD:​single|Single drive]] +
-      * [[:​DVR:​NAS:​WD:​Multiple|Multiple drives]]+
  • Last modified: 2019/06/16 00:57