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getting_started [2019/06/23 23:41]
neds [3. Go to my.hdhomerun.com]
getting_started [2023/01/19 02:36] (current)
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-====== Setting up an HDHomeRun ======+====== Setting up the HDHomeRun ======
-<​lead>​The HDHomeRun works by providing live TV to your home computer network from over-the-air TV broadcasts or from a cable TV provider (CableCARD only). This allows you to use any device on your network, such as phones, tablets, laptops, computers, set top boxes, and more, to watch live TV.</​lead>​+<​lead>​The HDHomeRun works by providing live TV to your home computer network from over-the-air TV broadcasts ​using an antenna, ​or from a cable TV provider (US CableCARD only). This allows you to use any device on your network, such as phones, tablets, laptops, computers, set top boxes, and more, to watch live TV.</​lead>​
-===== Quick start guide (Over-the-air models) ​===== +===== Quick start guide ===== 
-{{ :connect-connection-diagram.png?​direct&​600 |}} +<WRAP indent>​ 
-<WRAP centeralign>​How the HDHomeRun connects with the rest of your network and devices.</​WRAP>​+How the HDHomeRun connects with the rest of your network and devices (click to enlarge): \\ 
 +<btn type="​link"​ modal="​overview">​{{:connection-diagram.png?​direct&​200|overview}}</​btn>​  
 +<modal id="​overview"​ size="​lg"​ title="​HDHomeRun overview"​ fade="​false">​{{ :connection-diagram.png?​direct&​900 |}} 
 +<WRAP centeralign>​How the HDHomeRun connects with the rest of your network and devices.</​WRAP></​modal>
 +One HDHomeRun can be accessed from the entire network, and each network can have multiple HDHomeRun units. The HDHomeRun software automatically consolidates multiple units into one seamless app.
 ==== 1. Connect your HDHomeRun ==== ==== 1. Connect your HDHomeRun ====
 +<WRAP indent>
 +  * [[#​tab-ota|All antenna/OTA and DVB-C]]
 +  * [[#​tab-cable|CableCARD]]
 +<pane id="​tab-ota">​
 +<WRAP box>
 <WRAP group> <WRAP group>
 <WRAP third column> <WRAP third column>
-{{:​connect_antenna.png?​60 |}}**Step 1:**+<image shape="​circle">​{{:​connect_antenna.png?​nolink&60 |}}</​image>​**Step 1:**
 Connect your antenna or cable source. Connect your antenna or cable source.
Line 17: Line 28:
 <WRAP third column> <WRAP third column>
-{{:​connect_network.png?​60 |}}**Step 2:**+<image shape="​circle">​{{:​connect_network.png?​nolink&60 |}}</​image>​**Step 2:**
 Connect to your network or home router using the provided ethernet cable. Connect to your network or home router using the provided ethernet cable.
Line 23: Line 34:
 <WRAP third column> <WRAP third column>
-{{:​connect_power.png?​60 |}}**Step 3:**+<image shape="​circle">​{{:​connect_power.png?​nolink&60 |}}</​image>​**Step 3:**
 Connect the power adapter. The green ethernet light will power on. Connect the power adapter. The green ethernet light will power on.
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 +<pane id="​tab-cable">​
 +<WRAP box>
 +CableCARD instructions coming soon
 ==== 2. Download our free app for live TV ==== ==== 2. Download our free app for live TV ====
 +<WRAP indent>
   * Windows:   * Windows:
-    * [[https://​www.microsoft.com/​store/​apps/​9NBLGGH58VWK|App from Windows 10 app store]] +    * [[https://​www.microsoft.com/​store/​apps/​9NBLGGH58VWK|App from Windows 10/11 app store]]
-    * [[http://​download.silicondust.com/​hdhomerun/​hdhomerun_windows.exe|App for Windows 7/8]]+
   * Android:   * Android:
     * [[https://​play.google.com/​store/​apps/​details?​id=com.silicondust.view|App from Google Play]]     * [[https://​play.google.com/​store/​apps/​details?​id=com.silicondust.view|App from Google Play]]
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-<WRAP center ​round info 80%> +<WRAP center info>Need other options? See **[[Watching TV]]**.</​WRAP>​
-Additional platforms are supported by using **[[Kodi|the official HDHomeRun add-on for the Kodi media player]]**.+
-Note: DRM-restricted cable TV channels are not supported by Kodi. All other channels, including over-the-air TV, are supported. 
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 +==== 3. Go to the web interface ====
 +<WRAP indent>
-<WRAP center round info 80%> +To perform channel scans, hide channels, update firmware, and more, use the HDHomeRun's web page interface. While connected to the same local network as your HDHomeRun, open this link in a web browser:
-Want more options? ​HDHomeRun ​devices are supported by a number of **[[third party applications]]**. +
-</​WRAP>​ +
-==== 3. Go to my.hdhomerun.com ==== +
-{{:mydot.png?​direct&​120 |}}While connected to the same local network as your HDHomeRun, open a web browser ​to **http://​my.hdhomerun.com**+
-my.HDHomeRun.com is there to configure your device. You can update the latest firmware, set your preferences,​ perform channel scans, and activate your **[[DVR|DVR service]]** from here. +**http://​hdhomerun.local**
-For more information about the my.hdhomerun.com pagesee **[[myhdhomerun]]**. +<wrap tip>​NOTE:​ That address will go do the first HDHomeRun device found on your networkIf you have more than one HDHomeRun device, use the "​device ID" printed on the bottom of the unit instead of "hdhomerun" in the addressFor exampleif your device ID was 104FFFFF then you would go to http://​104fffff.local</wrap>
-<WRAP clear/>+
-<WRAP center round info 80%> +For more information about the web interfacesee **[[webui]]**. 
-Some web browserssuch as Microsoft Edge, do not work correctly with the my.hdhomerun.com web page. You may need to use a browser such as **[[https://​www.mozilla.org/​en-US/​firefox/​new/​|FireFox]]** or **[[https://​www.google.com/chrome/​|Chrome]]** to use the site.+<WRAP clear/>
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
-===== Quick start guide (CableCARD) =====+{{tag>​HDHomeRun}}
  • Last modified: 2019/06/23 23:41