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scribe [2019/06/14 05:15]
scribe [2023/12/20 21:50] (current)
neds [HDHomeRun SCRIBE DUO and QUATRO]
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 ====== HDHomeRun SCRIBE DUO and QUATRO ====== ====== HDHomeRun SCRIBE DUO and QUATRO ======
 +<​lead>​The HDHomeRun SCRIBE is a self-contained **[[DVR]]** storage device and HDHomeRun tuning device in one unit. The SCRIBE runs a full copy of the DVR software, and does not require a PC or NAS, nor does it require another HDHomeRun tuner. In addition to recording from its own internal tuners, the SCRIBE can record from other HDHomeRun tuners on the same network, so long as they **[[dvr#​hdhomerun_network_tuner|support DVR]]**.</​lead> ​
 +Multiple SCRIBEs can be used on the same network and will automatically configure themselves. A SCRIBE can also be used along side a [[:SERVIO]] or a [[:​dvr:​storage#​do-it-yourself_bring-your-own-hardware_dvr_storage|DIY DVR storage option]], for additional storage or redundancy.
 +New SCRIBE units include a year of the HDHomeRun DVR subscription service. Additional years of service can be [[:​dvr:​activation|purchased individually]],​ or additional SERVIO or SCRIBE purchases can be used to add additional years to an existing account. Without a DVR subscription,​ the SCRIBE will continue to host all existing recordings and operate as a normal HDHomeRun tuning device. DVR subscriptions are needed for making new recordings.
 +<WRAP box>
 +^ ^ Model numbers ^ Tuners ^ Hard drive size ^
 +| SCRIBE DUO | HDVR-2US-1TB | 2 | 1TB |
 +| SCRIBE QUATRO | HDVR-4US-1TB | 4 | 1TB |
 +^ Signal type     | 8-VSB/ATSC & QAM64/​256 ​               |
 +^ Works with DVR  | Yes                                   |
 +^ Size            |                                       |
 +^ Ports           | Antenna, Ethernet (100baseTX),​ Power  |
 +^ Power supply ​   | <​wrapper> ​ 5Volt 1.5Amp regulated power adapter (higher Amp rating ok) \\  1.7mm ID / 4.0mm OD plug, 9.5mm depth, center positive \\  Max 5.25V @ no-load \\  Min 4.75V @ 1.5A \\  Noise <= 150mVp-p </​wrapper>​ |
 +===== Updating firmware======
 +<WRAP indent>
 +<btn type="​success"​ size="​lg"​ icon="​fa fa-chevron-right">​[[:​update|See:​ Updating firmware]]</​btn>​
 +===== FAQ =====
 +<btn type="​success"​ size="​lg"​ icon="​fa fa-chevron-right">​[[:​scribe_servio_faq|See:​ HDHomeRun SCRIBE and HDHomeRun SERVIO FAQ]]</​btn>​
 ===== Guides ===== ===== Guides =====
 {{topic>​scribe}} {{topic>​scribe}}
 +===== LED status =====
 +The HDD LED works as follows:
 +  * Flashing RED = fault
 +  * Solid green = recording or playing back something
 +  * Flashing green = checking existing recordings - goal is startup but it will also blip when a recording starts or is deleted. ​
 +  * Rapid flashing green = drive is being formatted
 +===== Hard drive =====
 +  * Designs structured around smooth and consistently delivered streaming video dominated by larger block sequential writes and sequential read streams.
 +  * Designed for a balanced READ/WRITE buffer and spec'​ed for 180TB/year workloads.
 +  * 24/7 operation and reliability to support extended field deployment.
 +  * Acoustics and Thermal design limits optimized for DVR environment.
 +  * Every drive factory tested to meet specific video requirements.
 +{{tag>​scribe hardware}}
  • Last modified: 2019/06/14 05:15