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  • The HDHomeRun SCRIBE is a self-contained DVR storage device and HDHomeRun tuning device in one unit. The SCRIBE runs a full copy of the DVR software, and does not require a PC or NAS, nor does it require another HDHomeRun tuner. In addition to recording from its own internal tuners, the SCRIBE can record from other HDHomeRun tuners on the same network, so long as they support DVR.
  • Multiple SCRIBEs can be used on the same network and will automatically configure themselves. A SCRIBE can also be used along side a SERVIO or a DIY DVR storage option, for additional storage or redundancy.
  • The HDHomeRun SERVIO is a self-contained DVR storage device. It can be added to any supported HDHomeRun tuner on a network to create a full HDHomeRun DVR system. The SERVIO runs a full copy of the DVR software, and does not require a PC or NAS.
  • Multiple SERVIOs can be used on the same network and will automatically configure themselves. A SERVIO can also be used along side a SCRIBE or a DIY DVR storage option, for additional storage or redundancy.
  • HDHomeRun SCRIBE and HDHomeRun SERVIO will be able to record all over-the-air content and non-DRM-restricted cable TV programs. Anything that a NAS/PC/Android DVR storage device can record can also be recorded with either the SCRIBE or SERVIO.
  • The HDHomeRun SCRIBE will record from its internal tuners, as well as from other HDHomeRun tuners on the same network.
  • The HDHomeRun SCRIBE DUO contains two internal tuners. The HDHomeRun QUATRO contains four internal tuners.
  • No other HDHomeRun hardware is required for using the HDHomeRun SCRIBE. The HDHomeRun SCRIBE contains both the DVR hardware and software, as well as the TV tuners necessary for receiving a broadcast, in a single unit.
  • While other HDHomeRun hardware is not required, other HDHomeRun tuners can be added to the network and used by the HDHomeRun SCRIBE for recordings. For a list of supported tuners, see List of DVR supported tuners
  • Yes, the HDHomeRun SERVIO does not contain its own tuners and must be used with a supported HDHomeRun tuner. It is meant to be used in place of NAS/PC/Android-based DVR storage.
  • No other NAS, PC, or other recording hardware is needed when using either HDHomeRun SCRIBE or HDHomeRun SERVIO.
  • Both the HDHomeRun SCRIBE and HDHomeRun SERVIO run full copies of the DVR storage software, in addition to having internal hard drives.
  • Yes, the HDHomeRun app will seamlessly consolidate all HDHomeRun tuners and sources of HDHomeRun DVR software, including from multiple HDHomeRun SCRIBE and HDHomeRun SERVIO units, and/or from additional HDHomeRun tuners or DIY/NAS storage.
  • Last modified: 2019/06/30 02:43