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Updating your HDHomeRun

The HDHomeRun app or the myhdhomerun web page might inform the user that a firmware update is available for their HDHomeRun. These updates contain important bug fixes and feature enhancements, and should be installed as soon as reasonably possible.

Users of the following HDHomeRun products can update directly through the myhdhomerun web page, while connected to the same local network as your HDHomeRun unit:

  • CONNECT (4th generation)
  • CONNECT Duo/Quatro (5th generation)
  • SCRIBE Duo/Quatro

If your current version of firmware is before 20170815 then you will first need to update using one of the other methods mentioned below on this page.

  1. While connected to the same local network as your HDHomeRun, open this link in a web browser:
  2. You should see all of your HDHomeRun products listed on this page. If not, please see the myhdhomerun help page.
  3. HDHomeRun products that have a pending update will show a red X next to their version number. Click on that version number link.
  4. You should see a button at the bottom of that page to start the firmware update process.
  5. The HDHomeRun will then update and reboot
  6. Check the page to see if the update was successful.

Users of all HDHomeRun products can use this update method. The Windows Setup utility will look for and update the firmware of all HDHomeRun devices that you have on your local network.

  1. Download the latest version of the HDHomeRun Setup utility (note that this is different from the viewing application from the Windows 10 store) software:
  2. The installer should start automatically after downloading
    • If the installer does not automatically open, check your Downloads folder and open up the new installer.
  3. Follow the prompts for installing the HDHomeRun Setup utility.
  4. When asked if you would like to “set up your HDHomeRun now” say yes, or open the HDHomeRun Setup utility from the Start menu.
  5. Just by starting up the HDHomeRun Setup utility, it will look for and update all HDHomeRun products on your local network.

Done: Your HDHomeRun units should now be up to date. Go to to check to see if there are green check marks by the version numbers for your devices.

Users of all HDHomeRun products can use this update method. The Mac OS software installer will look for and update the firmware of all HDHomeRun devices that you have on your local network.

  1. Download the latest version of the HDHR software:
    • Even if you don't intend to use the Mac app, running the software installer will update the firmware of all connected HDHomeRun devices. You can delete the Mac app later to reclaim your drive space, if you wish.
  2. The installer should start automatically after downloading
    • If the installer does not automatically open, check your Downloads folder and open up the new installer file, then double click on the box icon that says HDHomeRun Installer“.
  3. Click Continue on the first window of the installer (introduction).
  4. Leave the HDHomeRun RECORD checkmark unchecked. We won't need it for updating firmware. Click Continue.
  5. Click Install to continue.
  6. Mac OS will ask you for an admin password, enter it now.
    • If you've never set a password on your mac then just hit enter/return.
  7. The Installer will give a successful message, while at the same time opening the Mac's Terminal program. Don't close this window yet, and give it a moment to finish. When the Terminal process is complete, it will print out [Process completed], and it will be safe to close the Terminal application.
  8. If you haven't already done so, you can also press Close on the installer itself. This will prompt the installer to ask if you want to delete the HDHomeRun install file or safe it for later. You can safely delete the installer file.

Done: Your HDHomeRun units should now be up to date. Go to to check to see if there are green check marks by the version numbers for your devices.

Users of all HDHomeRun products can use this update method. Linux-based operating systems can be used to apply firmware updates using the hdhomerun_config command line utility.

  1. Download and extract the libhdhomerun archive from
  2. Run the “make” command while in the libhdhomerun directory
  3. Download the firmware for your specific HDHomeRun unit from this list: firmware
  4. Run the terminal command <code>hdhomerun_config <id> upgrade <filename></codee> where
    • <id> is the device ID of your HDHomeRun unit. If you only have one HDHomeRun device on your network, you can use the ID “FFFFFFFF”. Do not use “FFFFFFFF” if you have multiple HDHomeRun units on your network.
    • <filename> is the .bin firmware filename you downloaded from the previous step

Done: Your HDHomeRun units should now be up to date. Go to to check to see if there are green check marks by the version numbers for your devices.

Use the following instructions to update the HDHomeRun DVR software.

Users of the HDHomeRun SCRIBE and HDHomeRun SERVIO should use the Firmware updating instructions above in order to update their DVR software.

When using an Android device for the HDHomeRun DVR service, updates are handled through Google Play or by sideloading the Android app APK (link for direct APK). When a DVR update is available it should happen automatically. Sometimes updates might take a few extra days, as Google needs to approve updates to the app before making them available.

Unlike on other platforms, the Android version of the DVR software is built into the same HDHomeRun viewing app.

Do not uninstall the Android version when using it for DVR, as doing this will delete all previously made recordings.

To update the HDHomeRun DVR software when it is running on a Windows PC, Mac computer, or supported NAS, users can use the normal installation instructions for their specific device. No uninstallation is needed, just run through the normal installation steps on top of the old installation. All of your existing recordings will remain untouched:

DVR storage instructions

  • Last modified: 2019/11/11 04:40