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watching_tv [2019/10/20 06:25]
watching_tv [2023/01/28 22:53] (current)
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 To watch content you will need a device connected to your local network (such as a smart TV, streaming box, PC, laptop, smart phone, tablet, etc) and one of the following options: To watch content you will need a device connected to your local network (such as a smart TV, streaming box, PC, laptop, smart phone, tablet, etc) and one of the following options:
-^  ^ <​WRAP><​text type="​muted">​••••••••••</​text>​\\ Live\\ TV</​WRAP>​ ^ <​WRAP><​text type="​muted">​••••••••••</​text>​\\ Watch\\ DVR[(Watch existing recordings when using the [[:DVR|HDHomeRun DVR service]].)]</​WRAP>​ ^ <​WRAP><​text type="​muted">​••••••••••</​text>​\\ Set\\ DVR[(Set new recordings from the app/​interface,​ when using the [[:DVR|HDHomeRun DVR service]].)]</​WRAP>​ ^ <​WRAP><​text type="​muted">​••••••••••</​text>​\\ OTA\\ \\ </​WRAP>​ ^ <​WRAP><​text type="​muted">​••••••••••</​text>​\\ Cable\\ TV</​WRAP>​ ^ <​WRAP><​text type="​muted">​••••••••••</​text>​\\ Cable\\ DRM[([[DRM]]-restricted channel support when using US-based cable TV HDHomeRun products)]</​WRAP>​ ^  +[[:App|{{:​live_tv_3.png?​nolink&​400|}}]] | <TEXT align="​nowrap"​ size="​x-large">​[[:​app|Official app]]</​TEXT>​ | 
-| <TEXT align="​nowrap"​ size="​x-large">​[[:​app|Official app]]</​TEXT>​ | <label type="​success">​Yes</​label> ​<label type="​success">​Yes</​label>​ | <label type="​success">​Yes</​label>​ | <label type="​success">​Yes</​label>​ | <label type="​success">​Yes</​label>​ | <label type="​success">​Yes</​label>​[(DRM-restricted channel support depends on the specific platform. Please see the **[[DRM]]** page for details.)] | +::: | The official full featured HDHomeRun app for Android ​TV, Apple TV, Fire TV, Android, iOS, iPadOS, MacOS, LG/Web OS, Windows 10, and Xbox One. | 
-| The official full featured HDHomeRun app for Android TV, Fire TV, Android, iOS, iPadOS, MacOS, Windows 10, and Xbox One. ||||||+| [[:DLNA_UPNP|{{:placeholder.jpg?​nolink&​400|}}]] | <TEXT align="​nowrap"​ size="​x-large">​[[:​DLNA_upnp|DLNA/​UPnP AV]]</​TEXT>​ | 
-<TEXT align="​nowrap"​ size="​x-large">​[[:Roku|Roku channel]]</​TEXT>​ | <label type="​success">​Yes</​label>​ | <label type="​success">​Yes</​label>​ | <label type="​danger">​No</​label>​[(Recordings can be set from another device, such as a PC, tablet, or smartphone, when using the HDHomeRun app. Those recordings can then be viewed on the Roku channel)] | <label type="​success">​Yes</​label>​ | <label type="​danger">​No</​label>​ | <label type="​danger">​No</​label>​ | +::: | View HDHomeRun channels as a network source from devices that support the DLNA or UPnP AV protocols. | 
-| Roku devices running Roku software 9 or later. ||||||| +| [[:Third party applications|{{:​placeholder.jpg?​nolink&​400|}}]] | <TEXT size="​x-large">​[[:​third party applications|Other third party apps]]</​TEXT>​ | 
-| <TEXT align="​nowrap"​ size="​x-large">​[[:Android TV Live Channels|ATV Live Channels]]</​TEXT>​ | <label type="​success">​Yes</​label>​ | <label type="​danger">​No</​label>​ | <label type="​danger">​No</​label>​ | <label type="​success">​Yes</​label>​ | <label type="​success">​Yes</​label>​ | <label type="​success">​Yes</​label>​[(Must use the HDHomeRun input Live Channels source rather than the "​network tuner" Live Channels source.)]  +::: | HDHomeRun hardware will work in a number of other great software options, including Plex, Jellyfin, Emby, Channels, and more. | 
-| Android TV Live Channels app ||||||| +
-| <TEXT align="​nowrap"​ size="​x-large">​[[:​Kodi|Kodi add-on]]</​TEXT>​ | <label type="​success">​Yes</​label>​ | <label type="​success">​Yes</​label>​ | <label type="​success">​Yes</​label>​ | <label type="​success">​Yes</​label>​ | <label type="​success">​Yes</​label>​ | <label type="​danger">​No</​label>​ | +
-| Silicondust maintains an official HDHomeRun add-on for Kodi with nearly all of the same features as the HDHomeRun app. ||||||| +
-| <TEXT align="​nowrap"​ size="​x-large">​[[:​DLNA_upnp|DLNA/​UPnP AV]]</​TEXT>​ | <label type="​success">​Yes</​label> ​<label type="​danger">​No</​label>​ | <label type="​danger">​No</​label>​ | <label type="​success">​Yes</​label>​ | <label type="​success">​Yes</​label>​ | <label type="​warning">​Sometimes</​label>​[(DRM-restricted channel support is limited to some DLNA clients, such as the Playstation 3 and some Samsung smart TVs.)] | +
-| View HDHomeRun channels as a network source from devices that support the DLNA or UPnP AV protocols. ​||||||+
-<TEXT align="​nowrap"​ size="​x-large">​[[:Downloads|Windows 7/8 app]]</​TEXT>​ | <label type="​success">​Yes</​label>​ | <label type="​danger">​No</​label>​ | <label type="​danger">​No</​label>​ | <label type="​success">​Yes</​label>​ | <label type="​success">​Yes</​label>​ | <label type="​danger">​No</​label>​ | +
-| This is the legacy app for use with Windows 7 and 8. This version of the HDHomeRun app is not maintained anymore due to Windows 7 going end-of-life in 2020. For users who can't upgrade to Windows 10, please use the HDHomeRun add-on for Kodi for better support. ||||||| +
-| <TEXT size="​x-large">​[[:​third party applications|Other third party apps]]</​TEXT>​ |||||||| +
-| HDHomeRun hardware will work in a number of other great software options, including Plex, Jellyfin, Emby, Channels, and more. ||||||||+
  • Last modified: 2019/10/20 06:25