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app:recorded [2019/10/20 22:41]
app:recorded [2022/06/13 06:24] (current)
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 ===== Usage ===== ===== Usage =====
-[[:​App:​Recorded|App:​ Recorded tab]]+[[:​App:​Recorded|App:​ Recorded tab]]\\  
 {{ :​app:​recorded_normal.png?​direct&​500|}} {{ :​app:​recorded_normal.png?​direct&​500|}}
 In the RECORDED tab you can find all recordings made by all of your connected HDHomeRun [[:DVR]] storage devices on your local network, if you have an HDHomeRun DVR subscription. Recordings are organized by "All recordings",​ "​Shows",​ and "​Movies"​. In the RECORDED tab you can find all recordings made by all of your connected HDHomeRun [[:DVR]] storage devices on your local network, if you have an HDHomeRun DVR subscription. Recordings are organized by "All recordings",​ "​Shows",​ and "​Movies"​.
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 Pressing to the right of a row and pressing select (selecting the {{fa>​trash-o}} icon) will delete that specific recording from the DVR storage device. This will present the user with three options: Pressing to the right of a row and pressing select (selecting the {{fa>​trash-o}} icon) will delete that specific recording from the DVR storage device. This will present the user with three options:
   * **Delete -** will confirm the deletion and permanently delete the recording from your DVR storage.   * **Delete -** will confirm the deletion and permanently delete the recording from your DVR storage.
-  * **Re-record -** will re-record a specific movie or episode at a later time. Useful in case a given recording had an issue, such as if a programming error occurred or a storm had caused reception issues.+  * **Re-record -** will re-record a specific movie or episode at a later time if you still have a recording task for that program. Useful in case a given recording had an issue, such as if a programming error occurred or a storm had caused reception issues.
   * **Cancel -** will back out of the deletion process.   * **Cancel -** will back out of the deletion process.
-<WRAP alert>If you delete the actual file off of your DVR storage, instead of deleting the recording through the HDHomeRun app, then the software ​will assume that something went wrong with the recording and attempt to record ​that same episode or movie again.</​WRAP>​+<WRAP alert>If you delete the actual file off of your DVR storage, instead of deleting the recording through the HDHomeRun app, it will behave like the "Re-record" option.</​WRAP>​
 <WRAP clear/> <WRAP clear/>
  • Last modified: 2019/10/20 22:41