This is an old revision of the document!
- UI changelog (UI updates are automatically downloaded, independent of app version)
Viewing app
The HDHomeRun app allows you to watch live TV from all of your HDHomeRun tuners on your local network, and recorded TV if using a DVR subscription. It is available for computers, laptops, phones, tablets, various smart TVs, and various streaming box platforms.
- Windows 10/11/Xbox (One/Series):
- Latest version: 20220822
- Windows installer will also install the viewer app if UWP sideloading is enabled in Windows 10. To enable sideloading: Open the Windows 10 “Settings” from the Start menu → Update & Security → For developers → turn on “Developer mode”, then run the HDHomeRun software for Windows installer. After installation you can turn off Developer mode for increased security.
- Mac:
- Latest version: 20220822
- HDHomeRun Mac installer - This installer has multiple parts. See installer notes for details.
- Android / FireOS:
- Latest version: 20220812
- APK for sideloading - This link can be used for a sideload install (manual install) on an Android-based device. This is normally not needed, and most users will want to use the Google Play store link, or the Amazon app store link.
- iOS (iPhone/iPad) / tvOS (Apple TV):
- Latest version: 20220714
- HDHomeRun App for iPhone/iPad (opens Apple App Store)
- LG (WebOS)
- HDHomeRun app for LG/WebOS (opens LG app page)
DVR storage software
- Windows:
- Latest version: 20220822
- Windows installer (instructions) - This installer has multiple parts. See installer notes for details.
- Mac:
- Latest version: 20220822
- Android:
- Latest version: 20220822
- Linux:
- Latest version: 20220822
The HDHomeRun Windows (non-app store link) and Mac installers will already include a copy of all the latest firmware, and can be used to update the firmware. The WebUI can also be used to update firmware directly. These links are mainly for linux users and special situations.
Legacy hardware:
Latest version: 20210422
Current hardware:
Latest version: 20220822
- CONNECT (generation 4):
- CONNECT (generation 5):
Configuration utilities
- HDHomeRun Windows installer - This installer has multiple parts. See installer notes for details.
Beta software
Beta changelog:
Beta viewing app
See the beta changelog for details.
All of the beta installers will be marked as updated, even if only one part has a change. For example, if one HDHomeRun model has a new beta firmware, the entire Windows and Mac installers will be updated, even though other parts might not have a beta update (DVR, app, etc). See installer notes for additional details.
- Windows:
- Latest version: NA
- HDHomeRun Windows beta installer - This installer has multiple parts. See installer notes for details.
- Mac:
- Latest version: NA
- HDHomeRun Mac beta installer - This installer has multiple parts. See installer notes for details.
- Android:
- Latest version: 20220909
- iOS / iPadOS / tvOS:
- Latest version: NA
- Currently no beta software for iOS at the moment
Beta DVR storage software
- NAS/Linux (manual install):
- Latest version: NA
- FreeBSD (manual install):
- Latest version: NA
- Windows:
- Latest version: NA
- HDHomeRun Windows beta installer - This installer has multiple parts. See installer notes for details.
- Mac:
- Latest version: NA
- HDHomeRun Mac beta installer - This installer has multiple parts. See installer notes for details.
- NAS:
- Latest version: NA
- Use the Windows NAS install tool:
- Users of multi-disk WD NAS's should use the links here: Multi-disk WD My Cloud NAS
- Android:
- Latest version: NA
Beta firmware
Beta firmware can also be installed using the Windows or Mac beta installers linked above on this page. For Windows, install the Windows Setup utility and then open the HDHomeRun Setup Utility (different from the normal viewer app) and it will automatically update all connected HDHomeRun units to the beta firmware. For Mac, just run the beta installer an d it will automatically update all connected HDHomeRun units to the beta firmware.
Legacy hardware:
Latest version: NA
- Currently no beta firmware for legacy HDHomeRun hardware
Current hardware:
Latest version: 20220831beta1
- CONNECT (generation 4):
- CONNECT (generation 5):
Installer notes
The Windows installer contains multiple parts. It includes the Setup application, firmware updates for HDHomeRun hardware, and DVR storage software. It will attempt to sideload the Windows 10 app on Windows 10, or install the older version of the viewer app for Windows 7/8.
When the HDHomeRun Setup application is open, it will look for all HDHomeRun hardware on the network and attempt to update them using the firmware available at the time the installer was downloaded. When new firmware is available, just download and reinstall the Windows installer to update those files.
The DVR software will be turned off by default and can be turned on by opening up the HDHomeRun Setup application, clicking on the “DVR” tab, and using “Use this PC for recordings”. DVR requires a subscription to work. DVR software should not be installed on a computer that is connected wirelessly or turns on or off frequently. Updating the DVR software can be done by simply downloading the new version of the Windows installer and installing it on top of the existing version. No uninstallation of the old version is necessary.
The DVR tab in the HDHomeRun Setup application also contains the NAS install tool, for installing the DVR software to a NAS from the PC. In that set up the PC is only needed for the installation, and can be turned off afterwards, as the NAS will handle everything else. Updating your NAS's HDHomeRun DVR software is done the same way as on the PC: simply download the new version of the Windows installer, install it, then re-run the NAS install tool on top of the existing version. No uninstallation of the old version is necessary.
The HDHomeRun view app for Windows 7 and Windows 8 is very limited and no longer updated. It does not have access to DVR features, but should still work for live TV.
The Mac installer contains multiple parts.
When the Mac installer is ran, it will attempt to locate all HDHomeRun hardware on the network and update them using the firmware available at the time the installer was downloaded. When new firmware is available, just download and reinstall the Mac installer to update those files.
The installer will give the user a choice to install the HDHomeRun viewing application, the DVR software, or both. DVR software should not be installed on a computer that is connected wirelessly or turns on or off frequently. Updating the DVR software can be done by simply downloading the new Mac installer and installing it on top of the existing version. No uninstallation of the old version is necessary.