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dvr:nas:synology [2019/06/04 09:04]
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dvr:nas:synology [2022/11/09 04:14] (current)
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-====== Setting up DVR storage on Synology ​NAS ====== +====== Setting up DVR storage on Synology ====== 
 +<btn type="​success"​ size="​xs"​ icon="​fa fa-chevron-left">​[[:​DVR|Go back to all DVR topics]]</​btn>​\\ 
 +<​lead>​This page will describe how to install the HDHomeRun DVR storage software on a Synology NAS</​lead>​
 ===== Requirements ===== ===== Requirements =====
 +<WRAP indent>
 +**Before you continue, make sure you have the following:​**
 +  * **[[DVR:​subscription|HDHomeRun DVR subscription]]**
 +  * One or more compatible HDHomeRun device: see **[[:dvr tuners|List of DVR compatible HDHomeRun devices]]**
 +===== Installing the HDHomeRun DVR =====
 +<WRAP indent>
 +<panel type="​success"​ title="​Step 1">
 +**Download the latest HDHomeRun Synology package with your web browser:**
 +  * **[[https://​download.silicondust.com/​hdhomerun/​hdhomerun_record_synology.spk|Normal version]]**
 +  * **[[https://​download.silicondust.com/​hdhomerun/​hdhomerun_record_synology_beta.spk|Beta version]]**
 +<panel type="​success"​ title="​Step 2"><​image shape="​thumbnail">​{{ :​dvr:​nas:​step2_synology.png?​direct&​600|}}</​image>​
 +  - Log into the Synology using your web browser
 +  - Open the "​Package Center"​
 +<panel type="​success"​ title="​Step 3"><​image shape="​thumbnail">​{{ :​dvr:​nas:​step3a_synology.png?​direct&​600|}}</​image>​
 +Select "​Manual Install"​
 +<panel type="​success"​ title="​Step 4"><​image shape="​thumbnail">​{{ :​dvr:​nas:​step4a1_synology.png?​direct&​600|}}</​image>​
 +  - Click on the "​Browse"​ button to select the .spk file you downloaded in Step 1. If you are not sure where the file is, it is most likely in your computer'​s "​Downloads"​ folder.
 +  - Then click "​Next"​
 +<panel type="​success"​ title="​Step 5"><​image shape="​thumbnail">​{{ :​dvr:​nas:​step5_synology.png?​direct&​600|}}</​image>​
 +Select "​Agree"​ on the scary warning that Synology shows. Don't worry, our DVR software is safe and trustworthy.
 +<panel type="​success"​ title="​Step 6"><​image shape="​thumbnail">​{{ :​dvr:​nas:​step6_synology.png?​direct&​600|}}</​image>​
 +  - Check the "​Agree"​ box
 +  - Click "​Next"​
 +<panel type="​success"​ title="​Step 7"><​image shape="​thumbnail">​{{ :​dvr:​nas:​step7_synology.png?​direct&​600|}}</​image>​
 +Click "​Done"​ and you're done!
-  * [[DVR:​subscription|HDHomeRun DVR subscription ($35 per year with 2 free month trial)]] +</WRAP>
-===== Install to NAS using a Windows PC =====+
-[[DVR:​NAS:​Install from Windows PC]] +===== Next step: Using DVR in the HDHomeRun app ===== 
-===== Manual installation ​=====+<WRAP indent>
 +Once you finish setting up a DVR storage device, see our guide link below for instructions on using the DVR features in the HDHomeRun app.\\
 +<btn type="​success"​ size="​lg"​ icon="​fa fa-book">​[[:​app|Instructions on using the DVR features in the HDHomeRun app]]</​btn>​
-These instructions are provided for users who cannot run the Windows-to-NAS install tool.+</​WRAP>​
 +{{tag>​NAS DVR}}
  • Last modified: 2019/06/04 09:04